At one of the great pool parties thrown by Will Clark, standing next to the Magnificent Damian Ford !

Whatever pics , thoughts , opinions or ideas that pop into my head & exit through my fingers. Comments ARE Welcomed ! Contact me here c2bricircl@aol.com or at hecdic1@yahoo.com Also, check out my MUDFLAP USA blog at http://mudflapusa.blogspot.com/
I'm an un-known artist, who can barely afford his paints,
let alone hire models !...Thank Gawd for Big Muscle !!
Check out this stud's profile & judge for yourself if I nailed it !
The likeness, I mean ...
The Late Great Chris Ledoux !
Had this 'toon published in COUNTRY WEKLY Magazine shortly after Mr. Ledoux's passing in 2005. Saw him in concert several times & met him face-to-face once at a music store in Denton.Didn't get a photo with him, but, in true I LOVE LUCY fashion, I managed to get an autograph !